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Image by Maximalfocus

Delivering Value Across Industries


Our solutions are currently in use at numerous government agencies to support document processes related to regulatory compliance and applicant processing in scenarios where the gathering of data must present precise sets of questions based on strict regulations and the facts of each given transaction.

Case Study

One state’s Bar Association needed to modernize the way candidates registered to take their
examinations – which involved multiple steps and created a great deal of work for the agency’s small
team. With Document Agility’s cloud platform, the agency achieved dramatic improvements by:

  • Completely digitizing the entire application process, eliminating all unnecessary steps

  • Enabling applicants to apply for the exam 7 x 24, without any assistance from agency staff

  • Ensuring that each applicant's application documentation is in good order prior to taking the

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Leading insurers rely on Document Agility’s platform and analytics to on-board new clients, augment
staff, and support the creation and maintenance of regulatory amendments, retirement plan
documentation, and group annuity contracts.

Case Study

When a Fortune 100 life insurance company needed a better way to produce documents for retirement
plan services clients, it turned to Document Agility. Our powerful platform:

  • Replaced an expensive and time-consuming system that required highly compensated
    individuals to create documents manually

  • Translated the knowledge of experts into customized, automated digital conversations that
    completely transformed the creation and maintenance of retirement plan documents

  • Allowed the company to redeploy 50% of its staff and dramatically improve their onboarding

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Financial Services

Document Agility provides leading financial services firms with solutions and analytics that streamline and enhance the way they onboard new clients, augment staff, and execute and manage service agreements, regulatory amendments, and retirement plan services.

Case Study

A multi-step, error-prone system for brokers to set up new clients left a large financial service provider
struggling. With Document Agility:

  • Business rules were applied to the client registration process, allowing brokers to focus on the
    information relevant to the type of account being established

  • Integration capabilities with their CRM system enabled staff to pre-populate the documentation
    system with information already residing in the outside system, thus speeding up the creation of
    required documentation.

  • The company has realized significant growth in its business, with reduced impact on internal
    support staff

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